Romain Lhuissier,
Photographe Tours
Né en 1977, en couple avec la douce et parfaite Émilie et papa deux petits bambins. Accro aux bonnes musiques, aux bons films, aux bonnes séries, à la NBA et aux bonnes tables en famille ou entre amis. Amoureux de l’Écosse et peut-être un jour de la Nouvelle-Zélande.
Photographe Tours mariage (tarifs ici), portraits d’Artiste (tarifs ici), paysages et concerts.
Disponible partout pour les mariages et concerts: ou page contact
(Good) Food, movies, NBA & music addict, with family & friends. One of the biggest lovers of Scotland, as much as Emily, my sumptuous and sweet love, please make a wish to make me feel the same about New Zealand one day…
I am available worldwide for your destination wedding, with some almost decent english speech after a couple of hours, the time for my brain to make the switch: please feel free to contact me at or through this contact form to say hi, get a piece of information about me and my unexpected but brilliantly interesting life of a subtle french guy, or even how to cook perfectly some ratatouille, rougail saucisse, cuisses de grenouilles, escargots, ventrêche and pâté de Pâques, or how to choose which french cheese to eat before meeting your future bride or groom for the first time.